

( 4.9 )
Session details window

Group sessions can only be managed by the owner; buyers can't reschedule or cancel their sessions individually, as they can with private sessions.

Sessions are managed through the session details window on the calendar. To access the session details window, simply click on the session on your calendar.
Session details and inner screens

The Session Details window comprises several inner screens. When initially opened, the "Manage Session" screen is displayed by default. Clicking on the drop-down menu allows you to access a list of other inner screens and switch between them.

Manage session screen: Contains the main control buttons that allow you to manage and change the session's status.

Content screen: Allows you to add names and descriptions to your sessions and attach content from the library system. To attach content, it must be uploaded to relevant categories in the library beforehand. The "Add content" button leads to the category in the library to which the service is connected. Select the appropriate content and press the "bind" button.

Review and ratings screen: Enables you to view the ratings and reviews you have received from participants for this specific session.

Log screen: Keeps detailed records of all actions performed by both parties, including automatic system updates, since the session has been scheduled.

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session management

manage group events