

( 4.9 )
What are the working hours?

Working hours are the time ranges during which you are available for bookings.

Before welcoming students for private sessions or creating group events, you need to add your working hours to your calendar.

You can add or edit your working hours as often as you like – daily, weekly, or even monthly. It's entirely up to you and your schedule!
How to add working hours?

To add your working hours, click on the services dropdown and select 'My working hours'. This will display your working hours in view mode. To add or edit them, click 'Add working hours' at the bottom of the page.

In edit mode, you can set your working hours by selecting the start and end dates on your calendar.

First click: Marks the starting time for your available slot.

Second click: Marks the ending time for the same slot.

You can create as many time slots as you want, with each slot not exceeding 12 hours.

After adding your working hours, press the "confirm" button displayed at the bottom of the screen to save your selection.

When you exit the edit mode, the time slots with working hours will be displayed in white, indicating that they are active.

Automatic repeat: When adding your working hours for the first time, make sure you've added them for a whole week from Monday to Sunday. If you activate automatic repeat, this template is repeated automatically.

You can always edit or delete your working hours later if needed.
How to delete working hours?

Click on "My working hours" from the services drop-down menu displayed on the calendar, then click on the "Add/Edit" button at the bottom of the screen.

Click on the time slot you want to delete and press confirm to complete the deletion.

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Курсы английского для профессионалов

Присоединяйтесь к нашим профессиональным курсам английского языка, чтобы быстро улучшить ваши навыки общения, связанные с вашей экспертизой, повысить шансы на продвижение, подать заявку на более высокооплачиваемые должности и открыть двери к международным рабочим возможностям.

Бесплатный онлайн тест по английскому уровню

Бесплатный онлайн тест по английскому уровню

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working hours


adding working hours

editing working hours

adding availability

editing availability