
Business English : Phoning

This content is an educational material for business English learners, focusing on the topic of phoning. It includes exercises for learners to practice common business call scenarios, such as speaking with a customer or colleague. The exercises aim to improve the learner's ability to communicate effectively and professionally in business settings.

B1 (Intermediate)
B2 (Upper-intermediate)
C1 (Advanced)
C2 (Proficiency)

English Teacher

( 5.0 )

Making and receiving phone calls

In the business world, making phone calls is an essential part of communication. It's important to have good telephone manners and to be able to express yourself clearly and effectively. This material will help you improve your business English skills when making phone calls.

Making Phone Calls

When making a phone call, it's important to be polite and professional. Start the call by introducing yourself and stating the purpose of your call.

Example: "Hello, this is [your name] from [company name]. May I speak to [the person you are calling]?"

If you reach voicemail, leave a clear and concise message, including your name, company, phone number, and reason for the call.

Example: "Hi [the person you are calling], this is [your name] from [company name]. I'm calling to [state the reason for the call]. Please give me a call back at [your phone number]. Thank you."

Talking on the Phone:

When talking on the phone, it's important to speak clearly and use proper grammar. Avoid slang and use a professional tone. It's also important to listen carefully and ask questions if necessary.

Example: "I'm calling to discuss [topic]. Can you tell me more about [specific aspect of the topic]?"

Ending the Call:

When ending a call, it's important to be polite and thank the person for their time.

Example: "Thank you for your time. It was nice speaking with you. Have a great day."

Exercise 1

Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words.

When making a phone call, it's important to be polite and __________.
If you reach voicemail, leave a clear and concise __________.
When talking on the phone, it's important to speak clearly and use __________ grammar.
When ending a call, it's important to be polite and __________ the person for their time.

Exercise 2

Match the situation with the appropriate phrase.

  1. Introducing yourself when making a call

  2. Leaving a message on voicemail

  3. Asking a question during a call

  4. Ending a call

A. "Hi [the person you are calling], this is [your name] from [company name]. I'm calling to [state the reason for the call]. Please give me a call back at [your phone number]. Thank you."

B. "Hello, this is [your name] from [company name]. May I speak to [the person you are calling]?"

C. "I'm calling to discuss [topic]. Can you tell me more about [specific aspect of the topic]?"

D. "Thank you for your time. It was nice speaking with you. Have a great day."

Exercise 3

Complete the conversation between a customer and a business representative.

Customer: Hello, this is [customer name]. May I speak to [business representative name]?

Business representative: Hello, [customer name]. This is [business representative name]. How can I help you today?

Customer: I'm calling about [issue]. I need some assistance with [specific aspect of the issue].

Business representative: Sure, I'd be happy to help. Can you tell me more about the issue you're having?

Customer: [Explain the issue in detail].

Business representative: I see. Let me take a look at that for you. [Pause to gather information]. It looks like the problem can be solved by [solution].

Customer: That's great. Thank you for your help.

Business representative: You're welcome. If you have any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to call back. Have a great day!

Exercise 4

Write a short script for a business call with a customer.

Business representative: Hello, [customer name]. This is [business representative name]. How can I help you today?

Customer: I'm calling about [issue]. I need some assistance with [specific aspect of the issue].

Business representative: Sure, I'd be happy to help. Can you tell me more about the issue you're having?

Customer: [Explain the issue in detail].

Business representative: I understand. Let me take a look at that for you. [Pause to gather information]. It looks like we can solve the issue by [solution].

Customer: That's great. Thank you for your help.

Business representative: You're welcome. If there's anything else I can assist you with, don't hesitate to call back. Have a great day!

Language Learning


Business English

General Business English

Telephone Skills

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