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Bank Account Analyst

South Africa | Male | Capricorn
( 4.0 )

Private sessions

$15.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak

English (South Africa)


B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39 / Age 40 to 59 / Age 60 and over
About me
Recently retired, I find myself eager to return to a field I’ve always been passionate about: teaching. With a deep-rooted enthusiasm for working and engaging with students, I am excited to leverage my ample free time to contribute positively to their development. I derive immense satisfaction from helping students grow and improve themselves. My years of experience in finance and banking have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of various sectors within the industry, including credit reviews, property and trade finance applications, personal and home loan approvals as well as savings and investment advice as I am a qualified FAIS representative at Standard Bank of South Africa ltd. This expertise enriches my perspective, allowing me to offer valuable insights into real-world applications of banking and financial principles. Additionally, I value the diversity of working with international students, as it enhances both my experience and their learning journey.
My education and experience
I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, where I also completed a one-year Postgraduate Higher Diploma in Education. My professional journey began as an English educator, first at Girls High School for a year and then at Rosefern Primary School for two years. Seeking new opportunities, I transitioned to Standard Bank South Africa Ltd., where I initially served as an Assistant Business Manager for a decade, managing client accounts and supporting business operations. During this time, I earned a Certificate in Banking and completed all examinations to become a Certified Associate of the Institute of Bankers of South Africa CAIB(SA). I was subsequently promoted to Debt Recovery Manager, where I led a team focused on optimizing debt recovery processes. My effective leadership and strategic insights led to a promotion to Head of Department, directing operations for nine years. In 2006, I advanced to the role of Commercial Business Account Analyst, responsible for analyzing complex commercial accounts and crafting strategic solutions to drive business growth. I held this senior position for 16 years until my resignation in 2022. Returning to my passion for education, I took a position at Sobantu Secondary School as an English educator in 2023, while also providing private tuition to students needing additional support.
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