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Business English Teacher

Italy | Female | Leo
( 5.0 )

Are you preparing for a job interview in English?
Join this course and get ready for your interview in just two days!

Are you worried that your English is not good enough for your upcoming job interview? Join this intensive weekend workshop to:

- Achieve Results Quickly: by seeing several examples and learning useful language you can immediately use in job interviews;

- Know Exactly What to Say during your interview: by preparing for typical and tricky questions;

- Build Confidence: by practising interviews with other participants.

Useful information:

Material: You will get some digital material that we will use during the workshop. It is recommended to print them before we start.

Maximize Your Learning: To get the most out of the workshop, it is recommended to spend at least one hour each afternoon reviewing new expressions, reading the recommended articles, and thinking through your answers to interview questions discussed.

Outline of the workshop: To see the topics covered and the planned schedule, click on the single lessons below, one by one.

Starting soon

Check out the program and book your place now.

Start date
Saturday 07:00 AM
End date
Sunday 10:30 AM
Course details
Event language English
Age range Adults (Age 20 to 39) Adults (Age 40 to 59) Adults (Age 60 and over)
B2 (Upper-intermediate)
C1 (Advanced)
Meeting platform Zoom
Min 4 / Max 4
Event calendar and syllabus

Cancellation policy

Group training programs are organized and charged according to the minimum and maximum number of participants.

In the programs you purchase, a special area reservation is made for you and the number of participants is limited by the quota.

Therefore, there are free and paid cancellation options in cancellations, depending on the time remaining to the program start date.

Free cancellation

You can cancel the programs you have registered for 7 days before the start date without paying any fee and get a refund.

Canceled program fee is automatically transferred to your balance.

You can use your balance to participate in different group activities or purchase one-on-one tutoring sessions.

Paid cancellation

The following rates apply for cancellations made less than 7 days before the start date or after the start date.

  • Less than 7 days : 25%
  • After the start of the program: 50%

For cancellations made after the program start date, sessions that started or completed until the date of cancellation will be charged. The refund amount is calculated on the total of the remaining session fees.

The remaining amount is automatically transferred to your balance.

Cancellation by the service provider

Group events that do not reach the minimum number of participants for any reason may be canceled by the organizer or service provider before the start of the program.

All canceled event fee will be transferred to your balance without any deductions.

Return to card

Cancelled program fees are automatically transferred to your balance. You can use your balance to join a group training or private training program of your choice, or request a refund of the refunded amount to your card.

Refund to card is valid for payments made within the last 30 days.

Fees can only be refunded to the card from which the payment was made.

Depending on the bank and location to which your card is linked, the refund will be made within 15 - 30 business days. You can get more detailed information about transaction times by contacting your bank.

You can make your card refund requests by sending an e-mail to refund@bwans.com.

job interview preparation


job application