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English Teacher

South Africa | Male | Capricorn
( 4.0 )

Private sessions

$15.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak

English (UK)


A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 3 to 5 / Age 6 to 8 / Age 9 to 11 / Age 12 to 14 / Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39
About me
I have over four years of experience as an English teacher, and have worked with Korean, Spanish, and Taiwanese students, children and adults, online and in-person.
My classes involve dialogues and learning from real-life English texts, but prioritize fixing any difficulties with pronunciation or grammar, any confusion with new vocabulary, or whatever else if preventing the student from expressing themselves clearly.
As a language learner myself, I think that English lesson can and should be fun and interesting, and they're all about improving bit by bit.
My education and experience
I studied Philosophy and Journalism at University, before working for a few years as an online writer and editor. I spent one year as an English teacher in career, two years in Spain, and have recently been giving classes online.
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