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Business English Coach

United States | Male | Sagittarius
( 4.0 )

Private sessions

$25.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak

English (US)


B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39 / Age 40 to 59 / Age 60 and over
About me
Hi! My name is Christian and I'm from the United States.

I am a TEFL certified Business English coach with a BA in Communications (specializing in Public Relations), AA in General Studies and a degree in IT.

Why should you take lessons from me?
I'm on a mission to change the way global professionals approach Business English and career development. I combine my enthusiastic "go getter" attitude with expert confidence-building techniques to ensure you get the most out of every session with me.

Here's what you can expect:
Dynamic Lessons: Engaging sessions tailored to your specific needs and professional context.
Pronunciation Techniques: Tips and tricks on how to improve your English pronunciation so you can speak clearly in any professional setting.
Confidence-Building Strategies: I'll teach you not only the grammar and business jargon appropriate to your industry, but also the confidence to effectively communicate your new learning.

I'm excited to make your professional goals a reality!
My education and experience
Level 3 TEFL Certificate
Teaching Business English Certificate

Drexel University/(B.A.)Bachelor’s Degree in Communication, Corporate & Public Relations

Montgomery County Community College/ (A.A.) Associates Degree in General Studies

2006 -2007
Lincoln Technical Institute/IT Degree

2024 -Present/Self-employed
Business English Coach

2009-2017/Freelance and Contract
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