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online English teacher

Bosnia and Herzegovina | Male | Gemini
( 5.0 )

Private sessions

$12.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak

English (US)


A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 3 to 5 / Age 6 to 8 / Age 9 to 11 / Age 12 to 14 / Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39
About me

Salam and hello guys :)

My name is Ismir - it means Is Peace in Bosnian and I'm 30 years old.
I live in Sarajevo, my hometown, also the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a Muslim majority, medium size European country.

Fun fact about me, I once had 70 dogs and 20 cats all in my care, it was back in my early 20's when I was volunteering and helping street dogs and cats here in my country, thank God.

My hobbies are spending time with my family and dear friends, swimming and traveling, watching TV shows and playing Pokemon Go, hiking with my dog etc.
My education and experience
I started teaching online back in 2017, worked with more than 2000+, both kids and adults, mostly Japanese but also a lot of other nationalities.

Last year, I started teaching Bosnian and Spanish online.

In 2021, I was blessed with my own 2 classes (Beginner and Intermediate) while I was working in Croatia for 7 months.

During my classes, I do my best to relax my students, to get to know them and to cater to their level in a fun, gentle, friendly but also efficient way.

Teaching English has always been my dream, even since kindergarten and here I am, thank God (:
I have 8 certificates for English language at the European Language School.

Hope to meet you soon! Kind regards everyone.
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