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English Tutor

South Africa | Female | Virgo
( 4.0 )

Private sessions

$7.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak



A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 3 to 5 / Age 6 to 8 / Age 9 to 11 / Age 12 to 14 / Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39
About me
Hello everyone 😁,

My name is Nduvho. I am from the North-West Province in South Africa and I am thrilled to be your online teacher! I love teaching and I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to connect with students from all walks of life in this virtual space. My mission is to create supportive and engaging environment where every student can thrive.

Together we will dive deep into exciting discussions and work on projects that will help you grasp the concepts effectively.
I will make use of various tools that will make your learning experience exciting and productive.

I am looking forward to embarking on this online journey with you. My ultimate goal is to see you succeed 💪🏽 and gain confidence in writing ✍🏽 and speaking English 📕👩🏽‍🏫. Let's work and learn together and make this online classroom an inspiring place where we all thrive.

Here's to an exciting online learning experience!

I am TEFL certified and will be teaching English. My approach to teaching centres around fostering a collaborative environment and interactive learning experience. I encourage open communication, and I am always eager to listen to your thoughts and questions.

Ready to Take Your English Skills to the Next Level? Book an Online English Lesson with Me! 🌐📚

I invite you to book an online English lesson with me! Here are some of the incredible benefits you can gain from our sessions:

1. Personalised Learning: Each lesson will be tailored to your specific needs, learning style, and goals. This personalised approach ensures that you make steady progress and focus on areas that require improvement.

2.Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery: Tackle tricky grammar rules and expand your vocabulary, empowering you to express yourself more accurately and eloquently.

3.Boosted Confidence: Over time, you'll notice a significant boost in your confidence when using English.
My education and experience
2021 — 2023 North West University Bcom Economics with Informatics

Certification 2023 — 2023
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
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