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ESL Tutor

United States | Male | Capricorn
( 5.0 )

Private sessions

$20.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak

English (US)
Spanish (Mexico)


A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 3 to 5 / Age 6 to 8 / Age 9 to 11 / Age 12 to 14 / Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39
About me
I have 13 years of full time ESL experience with 10 years online. Because I was a business owner in the past I became a business English specialist. I am also an experienced accent coach for business professionals who want to modify their pronunciations. I can assist in correcting any pronunciation issue with any kind of learner. In all of my experience I have learned that the biggest issue is confidence. I am also very good at teaching how to become super confident. The English learning library on this platform is very well designed and I can help any learner learn and practice properly using any of the lessons in the library. You will find that the time you spend with me will be at least 10 times more valuable than the time you would spend with the average English tutor. anywhere.
My education and experience
I have both an Associates degree in urban forestry and a Bachelors of Science degree (biology). I owned a construction and landscaping company for 15 years and also during that time I contracted as a tree doctor. After selling that company I traveled the world for almost 2 years. Next, I started a hotel real estate consulting firm in Las Vegas, Nevada. After a debilitating accident in 2008 I sold the company and retired. The only doctor I could find who could help me was in Mexico. During the year of treatment one of my old hotel business associates who owned a hotel in the beach city I was living in, asked me to supervise the creation and establishment of an English learning system for his hotels world wide. During that time I became a fully certified ESL teacher and began teaching online after the project was finished. I continue to learn about teaching methods and how the brain works for learning language. In my opinion the Oxford University and Oxford Dictionaries has had the best language learning systems for more than 100 years that still proves to be the best even with all of the new technologies available online today. While working for Education First and their subsidiary EnglishTown for more than 7 years as an ESL tutor I achieved all of their awards and got hundreds of honorable mentions for achieving every award possible in that system.
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