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English Teacher

South Africa | Female | Gemini
( 5.0 )

Private sessions

$30.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak

English (UK)
English (South Africa)


A1 / A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 3 to 5 / Age 6 to 8 / Age 9 to 11 / Age 12 to 14 / Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39
About me
I am an aesthete with an affinity for culinary art, English literature, and music. I am patient, considerate, and most importantly passionate about the English language. As a perpetual student myself, I’m aware that it is imperative for students to feel safe and be immersed in a creative, stimulating environment for them to progress. Therefore, I try my utmost best to ensure that I monitor and assist my students appropriately.
I have a clear, neutral speaking voice with received pronunciation. I’m dedicated to helping my students achieve their goals by enabling them with the English language. I am pedantic and attend to details and quality when completing any task.
My education and experience
Over the past four and a half years, I have gained considerable experience and can establish rapport with students from all walks of life. Having held more than 4700 lessons I have developed my ability to anticipate the needs of my students and adjust their curriculum accordingly. I am a CELTA-qualified teacher and implement these teaching techniques.
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