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Business English Teacher

Italy | Female | Leo
( 5.0 )

Private sessions

$39.00 / hr

Group classes

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Languages I speak



A2 / B1 / B2 / C1 / C2

Age range

Age 15 to 19 / Age 20 to 39 / Age 40 to 59 / Age 60 and over
About me
I'm the right teacher for you if you want to learn English for work or for university studies abroad. I am not just a teacher; I have real-life experience working in international workplaces and universities, so I know what it's like to use English in real professional situations. I will always focus on your goals by teaching you the specific skills and language you need. This way, you can improve faster in my lessons than in traditional group courses. I will give you personalized feedback that is useful and honest, so you know what you need to work on and how. In my lessons you can be sure that you are learning what you really need.

English for work: Since I worked in many countries with colleagues of different nationalities, I know what expressions people really use at meetings, how to write reports, prepare and deliver interesting presentations, etc. I've helped many professionals improve their CVs, get ready for job interviews, write formal emails, speak up in meetings, understand native speakers, and make phone calls. I am confident that I can help you, too, so don't hesitate, book a lesson with me! We will use lots of real-life practice with role-plays, and you will learn useful expressions that you can use right away.

English for university studies: I can help you if you are (or will be soon) a university student and you need to improve your English for your studies. I worked at various universities as a post-doctoral researcher, giving lectures, supervising students, writing academic papers, etc. For this reason, I know how to help you understand textbooks, lectures and academic articles, write essays, or prepare presentations. I have experience guiding students in learning useful skills for their specific needs, for example: note-taking, understanding academic texts, writing paragraphs and essays, writing theses, and preparing for presentations. Will you be the next to reach your goal?
My education and experience
I'm a certified English as a foreign language teacher (Trinity CertPT, Level 6) with additional certifications in teaching Business English and Academic English. I have three years of experience teaching languages in Duolingo Classes, where my lessons were rated 4.9 out of 5 by students, and at the Wall Street English language school.

Not only have I learnt how to teach English, but I have also worked in English-language work environments in four countries. For this reason, I truly know what skills are needed for work and how to apply them in practice. For example, I can help you write reports, lead and participate in meetings, or prepare and deliver engaging presentations.

I also have extensive experience with academic language as I worked as a scientific researcher for over ten years. I have a PhD in physics, and besides doing research and publishing papers, I also taught and supervised students at universities.
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