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Medical scientist

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How to Learn Medical English for Healthcare Industry Work!
Learning Medical English is essential for healthcare professionals working in an international environment.

Learning Medical English is essential for healthcare professionals working in an international environment.
1. Familiarize Yourself with Medical Terminology
Focus on Vocabulary: Start by learning key terms related to anatomy, diseases, treatments, and medical procedures.
Use Flashcards: Apps like Anki or Quizlet can help you memorize medical terms.
Medical Dictionaries: Use resources like Dorland’s Medical Dictionary or Taber's Medical Dictionary.
Common Prefixes/Suffixes: Understand common medical prefixes (e.g., “hyper-,” “hypo-”) and suffixes (e.g., “-itis” for inflammation, “-ectomy” for surgical removal).
2. Practice Listening Skills
Watch Medical TV Shows: Shows like Grey’s Anatomy or House can expose you to conversational medical English in a practical setting.
Listen to Medical Podcasts: There are podcasts dedicated to medical English or even real-time case discussions in English.
YouTube Channels: Follow healthcare channels that explain procedures, terminology, and patient care in English (e.g., Dr. Mike).
3. Improve Reading Skills
Read Medical Journals and Articles: Focus on reading abstracts and papers to improve comprehension of medical language.
Study Patient Information Leaflets: These explain conditions, medications, and treatments.
Medical Textbooks: Start with beginner-friendly books such as the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine.
4. Develop Speaking and Communication Skills
Role-Playing: Practice with a partner or colleague by simulating medical consultations, patient history-taking, and explaining procedures.
Language Exchange Platforms: Use apps like Tandem or HelloTalk to converse with native speakers working in healthcare.
Join Medical English Courses: Some institutions offer specific medical English courses, like TESOL for healthcare professionals.
5. Practice Writing Skills
Write Patient Notes: Practice summarizing patient cases, writing reports, and discharge summaries in English.
Focus on Documentation Language: Healthcare documentation requires precision, so learn the common phrases and formats used in patient records and reports.
6. Understand Cultural Sensitivity
Learn about Patient-Doctor Etiquette: Different countries have different norms when it comes to how doctors and nurses speak to patients.
Study Cross-Cultural Communication: Understand how cultural context can influence patient care and communication.
7. Use Specialized Medical English Resources
English in Medicine by Eric Glendinning and Beverly Holmström – Great for healthcare professionals.
Professional English in Use – Medicine by Eric Glendinning and Ron Howard.
Online Courses:
Courses on platforms like Coursera, edX, or Udemy may focus on Medical English or English for specific healthcare sectors.
8. Attend Medical Conferences or Webinars in English
Participating in international conferences or webinars will allow you to practice listening and speaking in a professional setting.
9. Learn to Explain Medical Concepts to Laypersons
Practice simplifying complex medical terms into language that patients or those without a medical background can understand.
10. Take Medical English Certification Exams
OET (Occupational English Test): Specifically designed for healthcare professionals and tests English proficiency in medical scenarios.
IELTS for Healthcare: This will test your overall English skills, including specific medical contexts.
Focusing on these areas will build a solid foundation for Medical English, which is essential for effective communication in the healthcare industry.

Акции и скидки

  • Скидка 40% на первое занятие.
  • Скидка 10% при бронировании 5 или более сеансов за один раз.
Продолжительность и цены
45 мин
60 мин
90 мин
120 мин
Детали курса
Язык мероприятия English (US) + Turkish + Farsi
Возрастной диапазон Взрослые (Возраст 20-39 лет) Взрослые (Возраст 40-59 лет) Взрослые (Возраст 60 и старше)
B1 (Средний)
B2 (Выше среднего)
C1 (Продвинутый)
C2 (Опытный)
Платформа для встреч Google Meet
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Health Science



vocational English